Every Message Lives In One Place

Unlock a multitude of communication channels to effortlessly connect with leads and customers using Rogue Ram Solutions. Seamlessly engage through various mediums, including texting, live chat, bulk messaging, Google My Business, Facebook messages, and more. Our comprehensive platform empowers you to meet your audience where they are, ensuring convenient and effective communication across a wide range of channels.

Be channel-agnostic.

No matter where it started, Rogue Ram Solutions keeps it organized.

Chat with context.

See the history of every conversation and interaction.

Get started in seconds.

Connect your channels and start messaging right away.

Webchat, Facebook & Google My Business Integration

Turn Messages Into Revenue

Convert your website, Facebook, and Google My Business visitors into customers. Engage visitor immediately with live chat, or save time by including an auto- responding AI chatbot.

Database Reactivation

Rediscover Hidden Opportunities: Database Reactivation for Amplified Engagement

At Rogue Ram Solutions, our Database Reactivation service is a game-changer for businesses seeking to unlock untapped potential within their existing customer base. Using the power of automation, we seamlessly reengage with previous customers by sending personalized promotions and targeted offers that resonate with their interests and preferences. Through strategically timed emails or messages, we reignite their interest, drawing them back to your business with enticing deals and exclusive incentives. The best part? You, as the business owner, won't need to lift a finger. Our automated system handles the entire process, from crafting compelling messages to monitoring responses. As your customers respond positively to the promotions, your business thrives, and you witness increased repeat business, all thanks to the seamless magic of automation. Let us empower your business to flourish effortlessly, while we handle the rest behind the scenes.

Interact With Your Leads On The Go

With our dedicated Desktop AND Mobile App, you can communicate with your leads, customers, and teams from anywhere with connection. You no longer to be limited to your office when getting business done!

Every Message In One Place

All customer

interactions in one Unified Inbox

Never miss another chat, review, survey or referral. Now every customer interaction lives in a single place, right in your inbox — ready for you to respond at any given moment. Your clients deserve your undivided attention, so why not treat them that way!

70% of customers prefer to message with businesses prior to making a purchase.

- The Washington Post

Every Message In One Place

Never miss a customer call

Engage callers immediately and ensure you never miss out on business opportunities, even when you're unable to answer the phone. With Rogue Ram Solutions, our innovative auto-missed call text back automations keep the conversation alive. As soon as a call goes unanswered, an automated text message is sent to the caller, expressing your regret for missing their call and providing further assistance or information. This proactive approach keeps potential customers engaged, nurtures leads, and increases the likelihood of converting missed opportunities into valuable business interactions. Stay connected and maximize your business's potential with our seamless auto-missed call text back automations.

Your business wins when you interact with customers


Higher Conversion

Reviews requested via text message vs reviews requested via email.


of messages are read

Texts have a 99% open rate. 95% of those texts are read within 5 minutes.


faster than calling

Text messaging is the new standard for quick and easy communication.


Higher Conversion

Reviews requested via text message vs reviews requested via email.


of messages are read

Texts have a 99% open rate. 95% of those texts are read within 5 minutes.


faster than calling

Text messaging is the new standard for quick and easy communication.

Awesome Words

from clients

Rogue Ram Solutions unified inbox helps clients get to leads quicker so they don't lose business

Shannon Hanrahan


"Clients used to message me on several platforms and it wasn't uncommon for me to go weeks before seeing their messages. Now I see them instantly, in the same message thread, so I'm able to serve my clients quicker, and better."

Robert Wills

AZ Plumber

"Rogue Ram Solutions helps me never miss another chat conversation with potential leads. It used to be a hassle finding customer's messages, now it's easy and they're all in one place."

Explore a Better Way to Grow your Business

(305) 928-2598

Copyright -- Rogue Ram Solutions -- 2022 -- All Rights Reserved

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.